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Category July 21-27, 2012

More to come…

In addition to ministry, we've enjoyed some amazing team-building and cultural activities.  We'll post more soon, but you've got to see what we did today: Yes, this is Jessica, riding a zip-line upside down through the Amazon Rain Forest.  We…

VBS Photos

This week, our team is working with the Salvation Army Corps located in Quito Sur.  We anticipated 70 children each day, but we have averaged about 180+.  It feels a little crazy at times, but we are sharing the Gospel…

Enraptured by Ecuador…

I typically struggle with Spanish-speaking countries. I've visited several (Mexico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador), but I never fall in love with them. I wrestle with the culture and my lack of Spanish and the oldness of everything… I don't really like old…