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Thoughts & Inspiration

Flip-Flops & Eyeglasses

On Sunday night, we met together as a team and talked about how to hear God’s voice.  Each of us shared ways that we had recently heard from God, and we discussed the intensely personal relationship that the Lord desires with each of us.  At the end of our time together, we all paused to ask the Lord for His direction for the next day. 
Darlene heard:

  • (1) Help Martha
    (Salvation Army workers we met)
  • (2) Provide resources

The next day, we travelled to Quito Sur, the Salvation Army Day Home that we’re working at this week.  Most of us helped run a VBS for local children, but Darlene and Jessie helped with a program for the elderly.  Much to Darlene’s surprise, Martha turned out to be the officer in charge of that program!


As the day progressed, Darlene and Jessie realized that the seniors really need large print Bibles.  It’s hard for them to read because their eyesight is poor.  In addition, many of them do not have complete Bibles.  Martha was trying to teach from the book of Esther, but most of them do not have the Old Testament.

At this point, Darlene remembered that she had brought three pairs of eyeglasses with on the trip, and she went to get them.  Some of the ladies were so delighted at how helpful this was!  Then, at the end of the day, Darlene and Jessie decided to hunt down some Bibles to bring back and distribute.  When they thought about it later, they realized that this was exactly what God had told Darlene to do the night before.
She helped Martha, and she provided resources.

The next day, Darlene and her daughter Sara had yet another chance to provide resources.  Before school let out, Sara’s classmates had collected flip-flops for her to take with on the trip.  After hearing that many of the elderly live in houses with dirt floors, they just knew that these shoes were for them!  Once again, they saw the Lord help them make the connection!
Even better, Sara had cleverly written Bible verses in Spanish on all the shoes so the Gospel is going out all over Quito, wherever these precious people walk.
God is good!!