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God is moving in Quito!

Day 3 here in Quito and I’m so excited for what God has in store. The last 2 days have been an awesome experience. Who would have thought painting could be so fun?!

Being able to meet some of the kids in the community and play with them and love on them was an unforgettable experience. These kids have so little, yet they are full of so much joy! Their laughter and love is contagious. 

They are also very forgiving with my poor Spanish. When trying to ask one little girl her age (and obviously failing), another girl humped up and interpreted for me. They were precious—and so hard to say good-bye to. The poverty in Quito is overwhelming, but the people are so full of love. Pray for them… that the cycle of poverty can be broken. Pray for us, that we can continue to show God’s love to those around us. 

God is moving in Quito.